RENOVI platform

RENOVI platform


Introducing RENOVI platform

RENOVI is a leading Metaverse platform working with a multitude of global designers, brands and businesses to help them navigate the Web3.0 space by offering services such as land rental, 3D building and wearable (marketplace) purchasing and leasing, job opportunities, and buildathon development. Renovi started as a marketplace for architects and 3D designers to monetize their designs for the metaverse, but they are now expanding to create Renovi Hub, a platform for brands to rent land and designs from creators all in one place. Renovi Hub will allow brands to quickly and easily establish a presence in the metaverse with just a few clicks.

On the creator side, Renovi will offer a portfolio page where creators can showcase their work and be hired directly from the platform. The goal is to make the process work better for both brands and creators.


Benefits of holding $RNVI:

Ability to stake your tokens in two distinct ways: Staking in exchange for additional works to be commissioned

Staking in exchange for NFT relative value analysis/price discovery

Governance rights — vote on the future of Renovi!

Get rebates on your transactions

Value increases

and more! Think of $RNVI as the currency you’ll use in the metaverse.


Tokenomics :

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so we won’t go into too much detail about the below other than to say that we’re proud to a significant percentage of token sale proceeds back into the ecosystem as we continue to grow and help businesses, entrepreneurs and creators benefit from the metaverse.


Use of proceeds:


RNVI will be used as follows:

renovi nft image RNVI will be listed on various exchanges to provide liquidity

renovi nft image Purchase of NFTs

renovi nft image Transaction rebates

renovi nft image Competition rewards

renovi nft image Grants to incentivise production of quality content

renovi nft image Governance rights on future direction/updates in the platform, select artists, auctions and drops

renovi nft image Token burning/staking

renovi nft image Be staked in exchange for NFT relative value analysis/price discovery

renovi nft image Be staked in exchange for additional works to be commissioned


Benefits of Polygon blockchain for Renovi:

As perhaps the best-known Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution, Polygon improves upon Ethereum’s foundation in several ways that are important to us:

Speed — finalise transactions in seconds

Transaction fees — much lower than ETH

Safety, Security & Scale — can theoretically support the millions of transactions that will be taking place in the metaverse in the future

Decentralisation — Polygon Network is supporting an entire ecosystem of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Dapps, and ours is no different

Staking — we want holders to be able to earn a return on holding our token and Polygon’s consensus mechanism supports this

Because of these benefits, we felt that Polygon was the chain for us to build upon.


What are the benefits of using Renovi?

In short, everyone benefits from Renovi, but these groups especially can unlock the value of the metaverse by buying and selling virtual assets on the Renovi marketplace in exchange for MATIC tokens:

3D content creators & designers seeking financial and creative independence

Modellers & animators



Simulators & video games

Brands looking for a way high-quality virtual metaverse experience

Virtual land owners

and more! As Renovi moves through its updated roadmap, the value it brings to the ecosystem will become more and more clear to would-be investors.

Renovi boasts a fully-doxxed team, credible advisors, investors & partners, has already received funding and partnered with many successful web2 and web3 brands to run buildathons and other competitions, creating a dedicated and passionate community of creators. Renovi Studios has already become an established business in the Web3 space — developing and building Metaverse and NFT strategies for leading brands in the fashion, entertainment, sports, and hospitality sectors.


Renovi Team




Renovi Partners and Investors


Renovi Roadmap


Renovi Social media link:




Bitcointalk Username: Vionalia

BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=3504795


Wallet Address: 0xfB2a2D1210e45920B3C40aba2cc0D5A4891878B5


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